Dr. CYJ Hair Filler: How Injectable Filler Helps with Hair Loss

In the UK, it is estimated that over 15 million people suffer from hair loss at some point in their life. The most common form of hair loss is ‘pattern baldness’, known clinically as androgenetic alopecia. For men, pattern baldness is responsible for 95% of all hair loss, and they will start to see forms of hair thinning or loss by age 70. Conversely, women are not as sensitive to permanent hair loss but will likely be impacted when they are postmenopausal and have a hormonal imbalance. 

Whether you have a patient experiencing pattern baldness, receding hairline or hair thinning, there is a solution that can bring their confidence back. Hair Filler by Dr. CYJ is a non-invasive treatment that helps with hair loss and thinning without the cost of a hair transplant. In this blog, we will discuss hair filler, its benefits and whether it is right for your clinic. 

What Is Hair Filler?

Hair filler is a non-invasive treatment for thinning hair or hair loss across areas of the scalp. A practitioner will inject a collection of natural substances into the scalp to help promote hair growth so that it appears denser and thicker. 

Dr. CYJ hair filler is an effective gel containing a unique hyaluronic acid (HA) formula with seven peptides. Peptides are small strings of amino acids that easily penetrate the hair follicle. When broken down, peptides increase moisture, ultimately preventing breakage and creating thicker hair. HA also slows down hair thinning or loss by rejuvenating the hair bulbs at the base of the hair follicles. This improves blood flow to the scalp and helps deliver oxygen and nutrients that are needed to promote hair growth and a healthy scalp. 

Combining hyaluronic acid and peptides makes Dr. CYJ hair filler a powerful treatment for any patient looking to improve scalp and hair condition. 

Advantages of Using Dr. CYJ Hair Filler

Dr. CYJ hair filler is an effective hair regeneration treatment that will benefit your clinic and patients in many ways. The active ingredients of HA and patent-formulated peptides will improve your patient’s microcirculation and nutrition. Within two months, they will see an increase in hair growth and a reduction in hair loss within a short time frame. 

As well as having improved thickness and length, Dr. CYJ hair filler activates dormant hair follicles, transforming your patient’s brittle, thin hair texture into luscious, healthy locks. This hair filler is a safe solution that involved over 13 years of research on its active ingredient, Peptide Complex, before being distributed to clinics. Trusted and renowned, Dr. CYJ hair filler is the world’s first hair filler that has built trust in clinics worldwide.  

As a clinic, you want to ensure all your patients have restored confidence after leaving their treatment with you. Dr. CYJ hair filler will guarantee successful hair growth and increased self-esteem, highlighting your clinic’s expertise in the aesthetic industry. 

Tackle Hair Loss and Hair Thinning with Dr. CYJ Hair Filler at LPG Clinics Wholesale

LPG Clinics Wholesale is an Excellent’ rated cosmetics wholesaler that has helped small and big clinics find the highest-quality products for their treatments. As part of our large dermal filler collection, we stock Dr CYJ hair filler which is available to buy today,

If you want to use an alternative treatment, such as Dermaqual’s DQ Hair + mesotherapy solution, please get in touch with us. We will help you choose the right treatment for your patient’s needs.
